Vinura Jayaneththi
Doctoral Candidate
Vinura received his B.E. degree in Mechatronics from The University of Auckland, in 2015. His interests in smart materials and bio-mechatronics led him to join the Medical Devices and Technologies Group in 2016, where he is currently undertaking his doctoral studies under the supervision of Dr Andrew McDaid and Dr Kean Aw.
Vinura’s research seeks to understand the functional properties of soft magnetic polymer composites and exploit its wireless actuation characteristics for biomedical applications. The focus of his project is to develop combined modelling approaches for design and control, in addition to exploring potential applications in the biomedical space.

Selected Publications
Jayaneththi, V. R., Aw, K. C., Sharma, M., Wen, J., Svirskis, D. & McDaid, A. J. (2019). Controlled transdermal drug delivery using a wireless magnetic microneedle patch: preclinical device development. Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical.
Jayaneththi, V. R., Aw, K. C., & McDaid, A. J. (2019). Coupled magneto-mechanical modeling of non-linear ferromagnetic diaphragm systems. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.
Jayaneththi, V. R., Aw, K. C., & McDaid, A. J. (2018). Design-based
Jayaneththi, V. R., Viloria, J., Wiedemann, L., Jarrett, C. G., & McDaid, A. (2017). Robotic assessment of neuromuscular characteristics using musculoskeletal models: A pilot study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 86, 82-89.