Narrendar RaviChandran
Doctoral Candidate
Narrendar obtained his B.E. in Mechatronics from Anna University, India in 2012 and his M.Tech in Mechatronics from VIT University, India in 2014. During his Masters, he worked on powered exoskeletons for mobility assistance to paraplegics. His interest in biomechatronics led him to pursue his PhD. He joined The University of Auckland for his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Andrew McDaid in late 2015.
Narrendar’s research focuses on developing a wearable neuroprosthesis to enable complex hand function. This research will enable individuals with SCI victims to regain their hand function for carrying out daily activities independently. First, a profile relating stimulation sites and optimal stimulation parameters specific to each individual is obtained. Using electrode arrays, stimulation for individual digits and their coordination is achieved by synergistic activation of muscle groups. As this strategy is inherent to muscle synergies, it can accommodate low dimensional data-driven control, effective recruitment of muscles and asynchronous stimulation tends to suppress fatigue. The proposed framework has clinical viability with implications that can be translated to any form of motor deficits.