Lukas Wiedemann

Doctoral Candidate

Lukas studied Sports Sciences (BSc) at the University of Vienna and Healthcare and Rehabilitation Technologies (MEng) at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna in Austria. During these programmes, he was a research assistant and tutor for biomechanics. Furthermore, he obtained some study experience abroad at the Sporthochschule Cologne, Germany and University of Reykjavik, Iceland for one semester each. With this background, Lukas had a strong interest in research on movement analysis and biomechanics, which led him to pursue his PhD at the University of Auckland, New Zealand under the supervision of Dr Andrew McDaid, Prof Ales Holobar and Dr Eewei Lim.
Lukas’ PhD project is about improving the understanding of how muscles are activated in Cerebral Palsy (CP). Furthermore, he investigates the influence of Botulinum-Neurotoxin on muscle strength, coordination and mechanical parameters of muscles in the upper and lower limb. Methods used in the project include customized devices to determine ankle and elbow joint torques, high-density Electromyography and Myotonometry. During his PhD, Lukas is able to collaborate and network with physiotherapists and doctors to enable clinically orientated research.


Selected Publications

Wiedemann, L., Ward, S., Lim, E., Wilson, N., Hogan, A., Holobar, A., McDaid, A. (2019). High-density electromyographic data during isometric contractions of the ankle joint in children with Cerebral Palsy pre and post BoNT-A treatment. Data in Brief, 24, 1-7.

Wiedemann, L. G., Jayaneththi, V. R., Kimpton, J., Chan, A., Müller, M. A., Hogan, A., Lim, E., Wilson, N. C., McDaid, A. J. (2018). Neuromuscular characterisation in Cerebral Palsy using hybrid Hill-type models on isometric contractions. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 103(September), 269–276.

Wiedemann, L., Holobar, A., Hogan, A., Ward, S., Lim, E., McDaid, A. (2018). The role of HD-EMG in Cerebral Palsy: Implications for research and clinical practice. XXII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Dublin, Ireland.

Ward, S. H., Wiedemann, L., Stinear, J., Stinear, C., & McDaid, A. (2018). The effect of a novel gait retraining device on lower limb kinematics and muscle activation in healthy adults. Journal of Biomechanics, 77, 183–189.

Jayaneththi, V. R., Viloria, J., Wiedemann, L., Jarrett, C. G., & McDaid, A. (2017). Robotic assessment of neuromuscular characteristics using musculoskeletal models: A pilot study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 86, 82-89.

Wiedemann, L.G., Chaberova, J., Edmunds, K., Einarsdóttir, G., Ramon, C., Gargiulo, P. (2015). Low-amplitude craniofacial EMG power spectral density and 3D muscle reconstruction from MRI. European Journal of Translational Myology, 25(2), 93-99.