Lukas Wiedemann
Doctoral Candidate

Selected Publications
Wiedemann, L., Ward, S., Lim, E., Wilson, N., Hogan, A., Holobar, A., McDaid, A. (2019). High-density electromyographic data during isometric contractions of the ankle joint in children with Cerebral Palsy pre and post BoNT-A treatment. Data in Brief, 24, 1-7.
Wiedemann, L. G., Jayaneththi, V. R., Kimpton, J., Chan, A., Müller, M. A., Hogan, A., Lim, E., Wilson, N. C., McDaid, A. J. (2018). Neuromuscular characterisation in Cerebral Palsy using hybrid Hill-type models on isometric contractions. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 103(September), 269–276.
Wiedemann, L., Holobar, A., Hogan, A., Ward, S., Lim, E., McDaid, A. (2018). The role of HD-EMG in Cerebral Palsy: Implications for research and clinical practice. XXII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Dublin, Ireland.
Ward, S. H., Wiedemann, L., Stinear, J., Stinear, C., & McDaid, A. (2018). The effect of a novel gait retraining device on lower limb kinematics and muscle activation in healthy adults. Journal of Biomechanics, 77, 183–189.
Jayaneththi, V. R., Viloria, J., Wiedemann, L., Jarrett, C. G., & McDaid, A. (2017). Robotic assessment of neuromuscular characteristics using musculoskeletal models: A pilot study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 86, 82-89.
Wiedemann, L.G., Chaberova, J., Edmunds, K., Einarsdóttir, G., Ramon, C., Gargiulo, P. (2015). Low-amplitude craniofacial EMG power spectral density and 3D muscle reconstruction from MRI. European Journal of Translational Myology, 25(2), 93-99.